Monday, May 19, 2014

In-Class Math POW -due Friday

Math POW Solutions

EQAO Math Review - Including SOME examples

For Gr. 6 -

Here are the topics we have covered in Grade 6 Math.  If you have any areas you need to work on now is the time to practice and review.  Use the EQAO practice tests to help you.  We will be reviewing each of these areas.  You will be assigned a review topic for the rest of the class and I will post your review on the blog for students to study.  (Two students are already working on an Area and Volume Review.)

1. Prime and Composite Numbers and Factors
Prime Numbers – have only 2 factors (numbers that can divide evenly into it) – 1 and itself
Examples of Prime Numbers – 1,2,3,5,7,11,17,etc.
Composite Numbers – have more than 2 factors
Examples of Composite Numbers – all even numbers except 2 - 9, 15, 99, etc.
2. Data Management Graphing
Finding Mean, Median and Mode, Range, Scale,  Bar, Broken Line, Stem and Leaf Plot
3. Patterning & Algebra
4. Number Sense – Reading big and small numbers
5. Measurement Conversion
46 m = 0.046 km
Converting square and cubic units - 1 m2 = 10 000 cm2/ 1m3 = 1 000 000cm3
6. Area and Volume

7.  Measuring Angles (acute <90, Obtuse >90 and reflex>180)
8. 2D and 3D Shapes 
Drawing 3D shapes on isometric paper and top/side/front view – draw 2D shapes using angle measurements
9. Probability 
Using fractions and percent
10. Fractions, decimals and Percent
Know how to convert - 40% of 90
Extra Support -

11. Ratios

12. Transformational Geometry
Rotations, Reflections and Translations

Sunday, May 4, 2014

In-Class Math POWs - due Fri. May 9th


Commit Those Facts to Memory!
Open the above link and find out why it is important to memorize your multiplication facts.  There are some tips and games to assist students who still need to work on this area.
Open the above link and practice your multiplication facts.