Monday, September 29, 2014

Order of Operations
Open the above link and explore.  Why do you think it is important to have an order of operations?  Post your answer.


  1. I think that order of operations is important becuase we need it for large number problems because it gives a specific instructions on how to deal with matyh problems involving more than one operation.

  2. If there were no order of operations, a math question would probably have lots of different answers and you wouldn't be able to prove what is right or not. It also makes math easier. And harder. Mostly easier.

    1. (Pie is Sarah Jessica, I didn't want to post a comment using my google account because someone else might've been logged in.)

  3. I think that the order of operations is important because if we didn't everything would be from left to right, and it wouldn't make sense in some cases. Many things would be awkward and it wouldn't be logical not to have it ~TheBloggingMathemetician

  4. It is important that we have an order of operation because it helps with money in the bank and what is paid to workers for companies. Without it there would be no money, payments, and lots of other important things in our daily lives. Math would be much harder without an order of operations and the world would be a very different place from how it is now. This is my opinion. -Lucas

  5. I think we need an order of operations because when we get older we will need to use order of operations in our lives in many different situations.

  6. The order of operations is very important, because it simplifies math, and if we didn’t have it, then we would get all the answers wrong, because we would just go from left to right. If we didn’t have the order of operations, then we would get the answers wrong (most of the time) and we would think that it is right, when really it’s wrong. We would only go from left, to right, and that would give us the wrong answer if there is more than one operation. Take the question 8 + 6 x 2 for example. If we didn’t have the order of operations, we would think that we should do the addition first, because it comes first in the question, when really we are supposed to do multiplication first. We would get the answer 28, but the real answer is 30. If we didn’t have the order of operations, math would just be one big mathy mess.


  7. I think that Order of operations are important when doing math.
    The order of operations are important because it gives a specific order to put multiplication, division, addition and subtraction, and overall simplifies the question. It makes questions that use a lot of thinking easier and more organized. Some people might get confused if the question was, for example: 20-5x5. It's easier to do it in order of PEDMAS. PEDMAS stands for Parentheses, Exponents, division and/or multiplication, addition and/or subtraction. PEDMAS orders everything so instead of 20- 5x5 it is 5x5 - 20 which equals 5.

    Overall the order of operations very important.

  8. Order of operations is important because without order of operations we would get all of our answers wrong. For example the answer to 4 + 8/4 = 4 + 2 = 6, but if you don't use order of operations, you may think the answer is 4 + 8/4 = 12/4 = 3 which is wrong. Also we would all get different answers and we can prove which one is right. With order of operations we would all get the same answers and it would be less confusing. We need order of operations all over the place and we wouldn't have done it without order of operations. Our world would be messed up without them.

  9. I think that order of operations is important because imagine if someone had a question with multiple multiplications signs, divisions signs, addition and subtraction signs, the person would be freaking out because there would be more then one answer so it would be nearly impossible to figure out which answer was correct. If multiple students did an answer like that, they could all come up with different answers and they would all technically be correct. With order of operations, there is only one correct answer and all is right in the world of math!

  10. Order of operations is very VERY important because if it hadn't existed, for complex math equations, we would come up with a lot of answers. I mean, you could start a question in a lot of ways. You would end up with more answers than you should have. You'd struggle to find the right answer. That's why we have order of operations. Everyone can follow use it to find the only answer and everyone would find the same answer (hopefully). So that is why order of operations is super important.

  11. I think it is important because it helps you have an more organized answer and it simplifies different operations such as addition, multiplication, division and subtraction. It gives you an specific answer each time for example: (4-3)+ 5 x 1 so with this question first you do the equation in the parenthesis with equals 1 now you have to times it by 1 with gives you 1, and finally you need to add 5 which gives you the answer of 6. It would be very confusing without order of operations everyone would have a different answer and it wouldn't be logical!

  12. The reason you need to use Order of Operations in your life, is because half of the class will get one answer while the other half gets another. For example, 3 + 8 x 3 - 5; some people will get 28 and other people will get the right answer which is 22.

    -Kieran :)

  13. I think it’s important to have the order of operation because it’s like a rule in math, and without rules people will do things that they want to do, so if we didn’t have a order of operation then we would all multiply, divide, add, or subtract, the way we want, and the order we want. That would lead to having different answers, but because we have it we can all find the answer the same way.

  14. I think its important to have an order of operations because if we didn’t have them, equations like this: 45 + 23 x 89 - 32 + 67 x 78 =, would have numerous answers. Also a lot of things in the world wouldn’t function as well as they do today.
    Like if a scientist maybe, was trying to do some experiments, and he was using order of operations to figure out something, and he didn’t know how to do them, all of his calculations afterwards would be incorrect. That scientist would actually have everything wrong and not even notice!

    So order of operations are REALLY important! The simplest things work better with them!

    Having an order of operations is pretty important. To me it seemed hard at the beginning but really, you just got to practice. For me it helps knowing PEDMAS, or Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally really helps.


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