Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer Math POW #3

1 comment:

  1. This is my answer for the math P.O.W:

    1. First I need to find out how much 5 chocolate bars cost: $2.70x 5= $13.50.

    2. I know that Amanda paid $8.10, Ben $2.70, Cole $1.80 and David paid the remainder. How much did David pay? $8.10+ $2.70+ $1.80= $12 .60. $13.50- $12.60= $0.90.

    3. Next I tried to find out how much each person bought:

    Amanda= $8.10$2.70= 3 chocolate bars
    Ben= $2.70= 1 chocolate bar
    Cole= $1.80 $2.70= 0.666… or ⅔ of a chocolate bar
    David= $0.90$2.70= 0.333… or ⅓ of a chocolate bar

    Amanda should've received 3 chocolate bars or ⅗
    Ben should've received 1 chocolate bar or ⅕
    Cole should of received ⅔ of one chocolate bar or 2/15
    David should’ve received ⅓ of a chocolate bar or 1/15


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