Monday, April 25, 2016

Problem Solving

Which of the two problem solving charts do you prefer? Explain why.  If you were to make your own problem solving chart is there anything you would add or delete? Explain why. 


  1. I prefer chart number two because it is quick and fun and also gets straight to the point.
    If I were to add things to the chart I would add/delete; add highlight key points, delete talk it, add estimate and also use the therefore symbol.

  2. I prefer the first chart (George Polya’s) because the steps and what to do seem more clear to me. Also, I like that it asks you questions like, “Can you state the problem in your own words?”. If I were to refer to this chart, I would definitely ask myself these questions, because it seems like it would really help me make sure I fully understand the problem. Although I really like this chart, a strategy that I use seems to be absent. It’s on the second chart. The strategy that I use that is missing is rereading the question. I read the question once, then twice, and if I don’t understand it, I read it again, so I end up reading it three, maybe four times. And if I still can’t grasp it, I sometimes circle the important parts or jot them down.


  3. I think I would choose the first one because I would use Step 1 if I don’t get a question. Step 2 would become useful after you get the question because you need a way to get to the answer. Finally, I would use Step 4 to double-check the answer. Also, the first chart would be something I would use.

    I don’t think I would delete or add anything because everything in the chart is very useful.

  4. I would choose the first one because it just seems more reasonable than “explaining” a math equation to yourself. Such as if your doing an independent question, why would you explain it to yourself when you already understand?
    I would also use the first one because I would prefer to understand the question, make a plan, do the plan and get a written equation, then solve the equation rather than understanding the problem, then making a plan, and after talk to myself about the solution? In my opinion, I don’t think that would be very reasonable.

  5. I would prefer the first one (George Polya’s) because I has MUCH more info and is very straight forward and extended info explains every detail in order to solve a problem.
    I also would help you because it asks you more so you could see the mistakes.
    I would add in something in look back I would put to say how you did the problem.


  6. 1. The problem solving chart that I prefer is the George Polya’s Steps to Problem Solving because it uses more of the ways I use for problem solving, and it has many other options. For example, the things that I use from “Understand the Problem” in Polya’s Problem Solving is, “What are you trying to find or do?” and, “ What information do you obtain from the problem?”, while the only one I would use if any for “Understand the Problem” in the other one, if any, would be, “Read the problem 2, maybe 3 times. Highlight or underline important information.”

    2. I would combine the two together! What I mean is, if one of the problem solving things doesn’t have a point from the other one, I would take the point from the other one and add it to the first one.

    ~ Noah :D

  7. I prefer George Polya’s problem solving chart because it gives you more ideas than the other chart. It is also more thorough than the other chart. For step one, I would change the talk with a partner to talk/think about it in your head (metacognition). For step two, Again, you should use metacognition instead of talking with a partner. For step three, I would add: If there is another way to solve the problem, try it that way and see if you have the same answer as the first way. For step four, I wouldn't change anything.

  8. Problem solving chart

    I prefer George Polya’s problem solving chart because it explains more about what to do when doing the steps then the other one does and it gives more information. I would add draw a diagram because diagrams are very very useful. I would also If there is another solution add to step three because there isn’t always another solution. Also use metacognition because you need to plan it out in your head.

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  10. I prefer the Polya chart because it has better information and it is easy to follow. If I made my own chart, I would add to use a calculator the least because, it wouldn’t help you learn the actual math. The calculator would just give you the answer.


  11. I like the first chart better because it is more thorough and there's more information.
    I would add talk to yourself or your partner (if you have one). I would add this because it always helps to talk to yourself, sometimes it's better to talk aloud then to think about it in your head.

  12. I prefer the first chart because it gives you a very detailed explanation of Georges guide. It also gives you many more different opinions than the second one and is more straightforward. If i could change something I would make the look back part it’s own step.


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