Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Globe & Mail Article (for parents) - The Wrong Equation
Dear Parents,
I am interested in your input.  You may have already read the above article, but if not could you take the time to open the above link and read the article. I would appreciate your opinions. Please post your responses.

1 comment:

  1. I had this article on my desk at work today!

    One quote that really makes you think about how learning changes with the times is “At the beginning of the 20th century, Latin was a required subject – it was seen as fundamental,” he says, to show how, as society changes, so does what it values. “By the end of century, Latin was gone. What will mathematics be by the end of this century?”

    Many of my high school math students don't see the value in learning basic (or even more complicated) skills because they say "the computer will do it for me". We've had many discussions about how wonderful it is that the computer will tell you the answer, but if you don't know what it means or how to use it (or even if it seems reasonable... because data entry errors do occur), then what good is it? I still have a hard time letting go of the basics though. I see value in being able to do basic math skills without needing to pull out a calculator. I'm definitely one of those who likes to sit on the balance point between still doing some skill & drill while also allowing time for discovery. (.... Jacob's Mom)


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